
Volunteering, Learning, and Teaching

Dr. Curington has been fortunate to be able to learn from many sources. He has done medical exchanges in New Zealand, Malta, and Mexico, as well as vasectomy-specific exchanges in Canada, Thailand, Kenya, Colombia, Bolivia, Haiti, Zambia, and the Philippines. “From each of these experiences, I have learned so much. I am especially thankful for the teaching from Dr. Michel Labrecque, Dr. Ramon Suarez, and Dr. Douglas Stein. Each of these great vasectomists have shaped my career and helped me along in my goal to give patients the best possible vasectomy.” Dr. Curington has especially enjoyed his international volunteer work for NSVI (No-Scalpel Vasectomy International). He has participated in overseas volunteer missions to bring free no-scalpel vasectomies to responsible men who want to control family size, but have limited resources to afford vasectomy on their own. Dr. Curington also participates in and serves on the Medical Advisory Board for World Vasectomy Day.

Uganda 2024

Dr. John Curington is returning to Africa with the World Vasectomy Day team, this time to Uganda. Dr. Curington will be teaching three young physicians the art of the gentle, no-scalpel vasectomy. “I am much looking forward to sharing what I have learned from so many teachers and places.”

Fred Ssikyomu Ssentongo
Dr. Fred Ssikyomu Ssentongo
Dr. Rogers Ssennyonjo
Dr. Kizza Blair

Dr. Curington started off the session with a talk about doing the most effective, most gentle vasectomy possible – based on evidence from studies around the world. One of the best parts of the talk was the gathering of Ugandan physicians – both those who do vasectomies already and those who are learning. This interchange of ideas from Ungandan to Ugandan makes makes everyone’s technique better.

Dr. John Curington at vasectomy lecture in Kampala Uganda

Bolivia 2023

Dr. John Curington and World Vasectomy Day team were invited to Bolivia to teach a group of five young Bolivian physicians the art of the gentle no-scalpel vasectomy.

Dr. John Curington and Dr. Michel Labrecque with Dr. Claudia Marisol Huaygua Pacheco and trainees.
We started the teaching by speaking with multiple media outlets to let patients know about the program. Here Dr. John Curington speaks with the host on radio 104.8 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
We also met with Bolivian physicians and medical students. Here Dr. John Curington is giving a talk and the Faculty of Sciences at at UAGRM (the University Gabriel Moreno) in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Dr. Curington worked behind the scenes with the super capable Bolivian staff to make sure the equipment was maintained and ready for teaching.
Dr. John Curington with nursing students at CIES in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Dr. John Curington with the amazing support staff from World Vasectomy Day.
Dr. Connie Juanez Delgadillo uses a scrotal model to review her progress with the no-scalpel vasectomy.
Here Dr. Claudia Marisol Huaygua Pacheco uses a scrotal model from the University of Laval to teach no-scalpel vasectomy.
Here Dr. Esgar Guarin and Dr. John Curington chat with nursing students about the fine points of no-scalpel vasectomy.
While in Bolivia, Dr. John Curington was named the “Doctor of the Year” for his work with training young physicians across several continents.

Zambia 2023

Dr. John Curington and Dr. Michel Labrecque were invited to teach the gentle no-scalpel vasectomy technique to a dedicated group of physicians who work in urology and reproductive health in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia.

Dr. John Curington demonstrating the gentle, no-scalpel vasectomy technique using a training model in Lusaka.
“Team Vasectomy” at Marie Stopes Lusaka for vasectomy training
Dr. John Curington at the Marie Stopes clinic in Zambia
Dr. John Curington sharing technique with a colleague in Lusaka, Zambia

Thailand 2022

Dr. John Curington traveled to Thailand with the World Vasectomy Day team to share information about vasectomy at the ICFP (the International Conference in Family Planning). Along with his colleague, Alison Hoover, MPH, Dr. Curington presented a talk called “Testicle Festival: FAQs on vasectomies and building successful vasectomy programs.” They also presented a poster presentation about training vasectomy providers in Bolivia.

“Testicle Festival” presentation at the ICFP in Thailand
John Curington MD and Alison Hoover MPH at their poster session at ICFP in Thailand
Dr. Nick Demediuk and Dr. John Curington demonstrate vasectomy on a model to a colleague at ICFP in Thailand
Alison Hoover MPH and John Curington MD on stage at the ICFP in Thailand

Bolivia 2021

Dr. John Curington and Dr. Michel Labrecque were invited to La Paz, the capital of Bolivia, to teach a group of young physicians how to perform gentle, quick, minimally-invasive vasectomy. The two senior trainers were hosted by MSI (Marie Stopes International), a global non-profit that provides contraception for millions of people across the world.

Dr John Curington performing no-scalpel vasectomy while being filmed - MSI Clinic - La Paz, Bolivia
Dr. John Curington performs a vasectomy while being filmed for a promotional video.
Dr. John Curington giving talk in La Paz, Bolivia
Dr. John Curington speaks about vasectomy during a press conference.
vasectomy model - vasectomy training in Bolivia
vasectomy model for teaching gentle procedures
Dr. Luis Pocoma, Dr.Claudia Marisol Huaygua Pacheco, Ana Cecilia Velasquez Rossi, Dr. Belen Bautista, Dr. Massiel Lima Gorena, Dr. Silvia Velasco Parihuana, in Marie Stopes Clinic in La Paz, Bolivia
young physicians and clinic leaders learning the gentle no-scalpel vasectomy
Dr. John Curington speaking at press conference in La Paz, Bolivia
Dr. John Curington speaking about the benefits of vasectomy
Dr. John Curington doing interview in La Paz, Bolivia
Dr. John Curington doing an open-air interview about vasectomy in La Paz
training physicians at MSI in La Paz, Bolivia - Marie Stopes Clinic
cheerful Bolivian vasectomy team sharing chocolate after long day of training

Columbia 2019

Dr. John Curington and Dr. Doug Stein traveled to Bogota, Colombia as part of a team with NSVI (No-Scalpel Vasectomy International) and WVD (World Vasectomy Day). Dr. Curington and Dr. Stein delivered talks at the University of Los Andes, as well as working with physicians from around the world to teach and promote the gentle, no-scalpel vasectomy technique for the benefit of men and families in South America.

Dr. John Curington in Colombia
Dr. John Curington in non-profit clinic in Colombia
sperm images on floor of Profamilia clinic in Bogota Colombia
welcoming sperm to show the way to victory…
Dr John Curington giving vasectomy webinar talk in Colombia
Dr. John Curington presenting a webinar about the gentle modern vasectomy.
Dr. John Curington giving talk at University of Los Andes in Colombia
Dr. John Curington delivering a presentation at the University of Los Andes
Dr. John Curington and Dr. Doug Stein in Bogota Colombia
Dr. John Curington and Dr. Doug Stein in Bogota, Colombia

Kenya 2018

Mexico 2017

Mexico 2016

Philippines 2016

Mexico 2014

Haiti 2014

Kenya 2013

Philippines 2013

Thailand 2004

Québec 2004